Best Way to Convert EML to MSG Manually

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  • Updated on December 4th, 2019

Are you planning to find the solution to “How to convert EML to MSG?” If yes, then in the search of this conversion you reached the right destination. In the beginning, you must know that there is no direct conversion as such. But you can convert your EML files firstly to the PST file format then in the second step convert your PST files to the MSG file format. That is the only way to convert your files from EML file format to the MSG file format Manually. No worries at all, there is a utility that facilitates this conversion with great ease. Follow this write-up till the end to get through the conversion of EML files into your desired format.

Let’s have a look at the user queries on the EML file to MSG file migration:-

For some business purposes, I have to convert 2000+ .eml files into MSG file format. I tried to search for converting EML files to Outlook MSG but, could not get any perfect solution that can transfer my whole .eml files to MSG file format. So, provide me the best solution to move/convert EML files to Outlook MSG format?”

In the way to fix this issue, we have come up with this guide. Here, we are going to disclose the top most reliable and easy ways to convert your files from EML to MSG file format.

Overview of EML & MSG files

EML and MSG file formats have many similarities in nature. But apart from this, they are somehow different from each other. EML is a simple single email message along with body, header and footer message. EML file is much reliable that it can be accessed by Window Live Mail, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird and many other platforms. In a comparison of EML files, the MSG file is also a single email message which can be manually created by using drag and drop functionality. MSG is a file extension of the Microsoft Outlook to save a single email message.

How can you convert EML files to MSG format?

So, if you have EML files and you directly want to convert your EML files to MSG file format then you need to use some professional ways through which you can convert your EML files directly. As it is clear in your mind that EML files are a single email file which is not an easy task for the user to convert the mails. In the absence of Manual methods of migration, it is highly recommended to you to use the third party software to do EML to MSG conversion in bulk. You can also download the free demo version of this tool.

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Benefits of using professional tools

  • Bulk Conversion:-  Professional tools have some batch mode which enables the user to easily migrate their messages in bulk to convert EML files to Outlook MSG.
  • Complete Conversion:- It provides a complete conversion of data without losing even a single penny of your selected data.
  • Maintain Data Integrity:- These tools must ensure that you might not get a single change in your data structure and format. This means it will directly replicate the copy of the original data.
  • Easy to Use Tool:- These tools have a simple and easy interface so that it can be operated by any technical or non-technical guy.
  • Window/Mac Supported Tool:- Professional converters are fully Windows/Mac-based utility which easily runs on any edition of the Windows Operating System.

Professional Ways to Convert your EML file to MSG file format

In professional ways, you will get to know about How we are directly converting the emails file format with some simple and easy pictorial view.

  • Firstly, open the EML file converter on your system and give the destination path for your converted files.

  • Secondly, you have to select all your files which you want to convert to another format.

  • Now, select the MSG file format option from the scroll down tab.

  • Finally, you need to press the Save button to start the process of conversion and click on the Ok button in the last when the conversion is ended.

Final Thoughts 

Finally, we get to know the way in which we can simply convert EML to MSG file format directly. It’s not an easy task for the user to convert multiple .eml files into MSG mailbox properly. However, this professional method did this conversion task very well. Also, if you have any queries related to this topic or any nearer one then you can simply contact the tech support team.

About The Author:

Adom Smith is a DataRecoveryHelp Technology Writer. He is a technology enthusiast with over 3 years of experience in Data Recovery, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics. He enjoys researching and sharing DIY solutions as well as tips and tricks for resolving Windows technical issues.

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